The Chassis was designed using Autocad from ideas and info found by checking out other T Buckets at car shows.
There are a number of differences that you would not normally find on a bucket.
Firstly the chassis rails are not parallel, rather thay are the standard width at the front and they taper out and get wider to the rear. This made the build a lot more difficult as everything then needs to be constructed from a centre line and nothing can be made using a square.
The rails are larger than normal in a bucket (100x50mm) instead of 75x50mm. The crossmember in a bucket is usually what is called a k member, but to get extra strength for the blown engine this chassis has a full X member. The geabox mounts and the engine mounts are fully "home made".
Due to the high horsepower engine the normal fish plate used on the chassis rail jois has been replaced with double fish plates externally incorporating the rear suspension mounts.
The usual push pull steering system has been upgraded to a full steering box behnd the front crossmember with collapsable column and a cross steer system that moves the tierod behind the axle. The steering colum now comes through the firewall like a normal car, rather than up through the floor between the drivers legs.